Check your trademark

To identify whether any other party has registered a similar or identical mark that could prevent you from commercially using the chosen name, image, slogan or other designation on your products or services, you should do a prior right search.

You should also check if the trademark is registrable in general and if it does not contain any unwanted meaning in any of the languages your customers are using.


How to check your trademark ideas?

Trademark search

How to Check Trademark Availability?

To avoid unnecessary risks and possible losses, check your trademark’s availability before making any investments in the brand. If it turns out that the name is already taken, it might be best to choose a different trademark.

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How Long Trademarks Last?

Trademarks can last forever, but you should renew them anyway. Don’t miss deadlines, or you will lose the trademark. In that case, you will have to apply for new registration.

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