Ready for your Perfect Trademark?

Unique Safe Impressive Valuable

Take the next step:

We are the resource and your assistant to perfect trademarks.

Imagine, you are building your brand – just like a house. First, you have an idea, then you have a strategy, and only then you can lay a foundation. Right?

Trademark is the foundation of your brand. Therefore a good trademark has to be appropriate and safe.

Trademark is also the name and face of your product. Make it unique and impressive, so your customers separate you from the crowd. Your brand must be the first choice for your target audience.

3-phase action:

Icon.create trademark

Invent & Create


Get from the idea to a perfect foundation, name and face of your brand.

Icon.trademark search

Check & Search


Check if the chosen trademark is appropriate and search the prior rights.

Icon.trademark registration

Register & Protect


Register trademarks and protect your intellectual property.